
Nail Accident: How to Prevent and Treat Common Injuries

Nail accidents are a common occurrence, and they can happen to anyone at any time. From a broken nail to a nail bed injury, nail accidents can be painful and unsightly. In this article, we will discuss the most common types of nail accidents and provide you with tips on how to prevent and treat them.

What causes nail accidents ?

1. Broken Nails

Broken nails are one of the most common types of nail accidents. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including trauma, dehydration, and exposure to chemicals. A broken nail can be painful and unsightly, but it can also be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

2. Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when the edge of the toenail grows into the surrounding skin, causing pain, swelling, and redness. They are most commonly caused by wearing shoes that are too tight or narrow, but they can also be caused by improper trimming.

3. Nail Bed Injuries

A nail bed injury can occur when the skin beneath the nail is damaged. This type of injury can be caused by trauma, such as slamming a finger in a door, or by a fungal or bacterial infection. Symptoms of a nail bed injury include pain, swelling, and bleeding.

4. Hangnails

A hangnail occurs when a small piece of skin at the edge of the nail tears away from the finger or toe. Hangnails can be painful and can also be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

How to prevent nail accidents

1. Practice Good Hygiene

One of the best ways to prevent nail accidents is to practice good hygiene. This includes keeping your nails clean and dry, trimming your nails regularly, and avoiding biting your nails

2. Wear Proper Footwear

If you are prone to ingrown toenails, it is important to wear shoes that fit properly. Shoes that are too tight or narrow can cause the toenail to grow into the skin, leading to an ingrown toenail.

3. Protect Your Nails

If you work with your hands, it is important to protect your nails from injury. This can be done by wearing gloves or other protective gear when necessary.

How to treat nail accidents

1. Broken Nails

If you break a nail, it is important to clean the area and apply a bandage if necessary. If the nail is bleeding, apply pressure to the area to stop the bleeding. Avoid biting or tearing the nail, as this can lead to further damage.

2. Ingrown Toenails

If you have an ingrown toenail, soak your foot in warm water for 15-20 minutes per day to help reduce swelling and pain. You can also use over-the-counter pain relievers to help manage pain. If the toenail is infected, you may need to see a doctor for antibiotics.

3. Nail Bed Injuries

If you have a nail bed injury, clean the area thoroughly and apply a bandage if necessary. If the injury is severe, you may need to see a doctor for treatment.

4. Hangnails

To treat a hangnail, clean the area thoroughly and apply a small amount of antibiotic ointment. Avoid biting or tearing the hangnail, as this can lead to further damage.


Accidents where nails can be created accidentally but there will be precautions and care to avoid nail accidents. We recommend the clinic  Seven Plus Clinic and D’Secret Clinic. Don’t forget to get a consultation. And advice from a medical specialist by Dr. Marinya Pongpudpunth, a specialist doctor who should have worked for more than 15 years, certainly has medical equipment.

Education of Dr. Marinya

Pongpudpunth, MD.

  • Hair Restoration Training, Korea (2015)
  • Thai Board of Dermatology, Ramathibodi Hospital (2013)
  • Board of Dematopathology, Boston University, USA (2009)
  • Master of Science in Dermatology, Boston University, USA (2006)
  • Doctor of Medicine, Mahidol University (2001)
  • Nail surgery training
  • Laser expert training
  • Hair expert training
  • Boton university usa

Work experience of Dr. Marinya

Pongpudpunth, MD.

  • Lecturer, dermatologist Mae Fah Luang Hospital
  • Lecturer, dermatologist Ramathibodi Hospital
  • Dermatologist, Samitivej Hospital
  • Dermatologist, Bangkok Hospital

Overlapping Toenails : Causes, Symptooms, and Treatment.

At some point in their lives, many people may experience overlapping toenails, which can be an uncomfortable and unsightly condition. Overlapping toenails can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, ill-fitting shoes, and toenail fungus. This article will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for overlapping toenails, as well as tips for preventing this condition from occurring.

Causes of Overlapping Toenails

The most common cause of overlapping toenails is genetic predisposition. Some people may have inherited a toenail shape that makes them more likely to develop overlapping toenails. Other causes of overlapping toenails include:

1. Ill-fitting Shoes

Wearing shoes that are too tight or too loose can cause the toes to rub against the inside of the shoe, leading to overlapping toenails.

2. Toenail Fungus

Fungal infections of the toenails can cause the nail to thicken and become distorted, which can lead to overlapping toenails.

3. Trauma

Injuries to the toes, such as stubbing them or dropping something on them, can cause the toenail to become damaged and eventually overlap.

Symptoms of Overlapping Toenails

The most obvious symptom of overlapping toenails is, of course, the overlapping itself. This can cause discomfort or pain, especially when wearing shoes. Overlapping toenails can also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

1. Thickened Nails

If the overlapping toenail is caused by a fungal infection, the nail may become thickened and discolored.

2. Inflammation

In some cases, the skin around the overlapping toenail may become red and inflamed, indicating an infection.

3. Pain

Overlapping toenails can cause pain and discomfort, especially when pressure is applied to the nail.

Treatment Options for Overlapping Toenails

The treatment for overlapping toenails depends on the underlying cause of the condition. Here are some possible treatment options:

1. Trimming the Nail

In some cases, simply trimming the overlapping toenail can provide relief from discomfort and prevent further complications.

2. Medications

Over-the-counter antifungal medications can be used to treat fungal infections of the toenails.

3. Surgery

In more severe cases, surgery may be required to remove the overlapping toenail.

Preventing Overlapping Toenails

Preventing overlapping toenails is largely a matter of wearing proper footwear and taking care of your feet. Here are some tips to prevent overlapping toenails:

1. Wear Proper Shoes Make sure your shoes fit properly and don’t rub against your toes.

2. Keep Your Feet Clean and Dry Fungal infections thrive in warm, moist environments, so keeping your feet clean and dry can help prevent infections.

3. Trim Your Nails Regularly Keeping your nails trimmed can help prevent them from becoming thickened and distorted.

We recommend Seven Plus Clinic and D’Secret Clinic where you can get a consultation. And advice from a specialist doctor by Dr. Marinya Pongpudpunth, MD., a specialist in dermatology. For over 15 years of experience, overlapping toenails can be a frustrating and uncomfortable condition. But it’s usually curable with proper care and treatment. You can follow the steps according to the doctor’s advice to prevent this condition from happening again for the health of your nails.

Education of Dr. Marinya Pongpudpunth, MD.

  • Hair Restoration Training, Korea (2015)
  • Thai Board of Dermatology, Ramathibodi Hospital (2013)
  • Board of Dematopathology, Boston University, USA (2009)
  • Master of Science in Dermatology, Boston University, USA (2006)
  • Doctor of Medicine, Mahidol University (2001)
  • Nail surgery training
  • Laser expert training
  • Hair expert training
  • Boston University USA.

Work experience of Dr. Marinya

Pongpudpunth, MD.

  • Dermatologist Mae Fah Luang Hospital
  • Dermatologist Ramathibodi Hospital
  • Dermatologist, Samitivej Hospital
  • Dermatologist, Bangkok Hospital

What is onychomycosis and how to treat it?

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nails. This includes fungi that are fungi. Usually, the fungus that causes nail infections is too small for you to see with the naked eye. But it can be detected through laboratory tests such as microscopic examination. Or fungal culture, etc. How do you know that? Symptoms of your nails Is it a fungal nail?

 Symptoms of onychomycosis.

  • Onychomycosis Most of the time, there are no severe symptoms.
  • Some patients may have red and swollen nails.
  • Onychomycosis It was found that toenails were more common than fingernails.
  • Onychomycosis It is more common in adults than children.
  • Some patients may have a fungal infection on the skin as well.
  • There may be complications after fungal infection, such as ingrown toenails, repeated bacterial infections.

Characteristics of nails with fungal nail disease.

Nail fungus You can notice the characteristics The importance of being a fungal nail. is that the number of nails affected is usually small, with only 1-3 nails. That may be affected the infected nail looks thicker. There is a build-up of debris under the nail. and may change appearance or discoloration The nail may separate from the base of the nail. And there may be a visible gap between the nail and the base of the nail.

How to treat nail fungus.

Onychomycosis Even if it causes problems for patients but it is not a medical emergency that requires urgent treatment. Nail fungus treatment takes a long time. From weeks to months or maybe up to a year It’s a difficult condition to treat. but can be treated There are many ways to treat fungal nail infections, such as:

1. Oral drug use.

There are several types of medications available to treat nail fungus. which are generally highly efficient These drugs can treat nail disorders caused by disease in all nails. including pedicures and toes. However, some drugs must be used with caution because they may have side effects such as drug allergies, liver and kidney effects. and interactions with other medications, such as certain cholesterol-lowering drugs or antacids. This can affect the absorption of the drug. Oral drugs are especially effective against fungal infections caused by certain strains of bacteria or yeast. But careful consideration should be taken when taking these drugs.

2. Use of topical medication.

Topical medications are safe and effective treatments. For fungal nail infections There are different types of topical ointments, such as nail polish, and some ointments can be applied once a week. Making it convenient to use the use of ointment alone works well. especially mild nail infections and does not affect the nails as much, however, for more severe cases or an infection that has spread to the flesh under the nail Additional treatment may be needed. If the infection is still affecting the skin on your feet, such as the soles or toes Additional medication may be required. Because topical drugs will only affect the nails used.

3. Use of topical medication.

Using a laser in the treatment of nail fungus or some physical tool to treat fungal nail infections as well as the use of creams or chemicals to complement treatment is a relatively new approach; however, studies have confirmed its potential. in effective and safe treatment.

4. Using other methods of treatment

using a laser in the treatment of nail fungus or some physical tool to treat fungal nail infections as well as the use of creams or chemicals To complement treatment is a relatively new approach, however, studies have confirmed its potential. in effective and safe treatment

If you are suffering from fungal nail disease now and still don’t know what to do, let “Seven Plus Clinic and D’Secret Clinic” be a part. To care for your fungal nails back to normal again You can come in for a consultation. And advice from a specialist doctor by Dr. Marinya Pongpudpunth, a specialist in dermatology. with more than 15 years of work experience from many institutions.

Dr. Marinya Pongpudpunth, MD.

passed the education from

  • Hair Restoration Training, Korea (2015)
  • Thai Board of Dermatology, Ramathibodi Hospital (2013)
  • Board of Dematopathology, Boston University, USA (2009)
  • Master of Science in Dermatology, Boston University, USA (2006)
  • Doctor of Medicine, Mahidol University (2001)
  • Nail surgery training
  • Laser expert training
  • Hair expert training
  • Boston University USA.

 Experience of Dr.Marinya

Pongpudpunth, MD.

  • Lecturer, dermatologist Mae Fah Luang Hospital
  • Lecturer, dermatologist Ramathibodi Hospital
  • Dermatologist, Samitivej Hospital
  • Dermatologist, Bangkok Hospital

Rolling nail disease, what it looks like and how to treat it.

Rolling nail disease is an abnormality of the nails. It is a common condition that greatly affects the health of the toes. It’s a type of nail disease. This can cause the nails to be deformed, discolored and fragile. Most of them occur to women aged 35 years and over, in this article we will talk about Symptoms and treatment of curly nails how it is because if not treated or leaving it for a long time may affect the health of your nails in the long run.

Causes of rolled nails

There are a number of reasons why you might get claws. The most common cause of ingrown toenails is as follows

  • Accidents with nails causing the nails to be deformed
  • wearing shoes that are too tight
  • Cutting nails too short. This can cause the nail to grow into the skin.
  • Certain health conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, and poor blood circulation.
  • Ggetting older the thicker the nails, the easier it will be to curl them.
  • Caused by congenital abnormalities.
  • Bacterial or fungal infections.
  • Nail psoriasis.

Symptoms of Rolling Nail Syndrome

The symptoms of rolled nails vary. It depends on the severity of the nail curl. Symptoms of rolled nails are as follows.

  • Fragile nails break easily.
  • Changing the color of the nails.
  • thicker nails
  • Nails roll into the sides of the skin.
  • Pain because the nail rolls into the skin.
  • Some people may have inflammation, pus, infection.

If you have any of these symptoms it is important to seek medical attention immediately. If you leave it for a long time no treatment or treated inappropriately this can expose your nails to serious infections. Difficult to cure.

How to prevent and treat coiled nails.

Nail curl disease it could be a sign of various health conditions, such as a thyroid disorder. Psoriasis or nail fungus the treatment of curly nails there may be many ways such as

  • Trim and file your nails regularly to prevent nails from picking up objects and lengthen your curls.
  • Wear comfortable shoes with a wide toe box to prevent pressure on the toes.
  • Avoid wearing socks or stockings that are too tight.
  • Keep your feet dry. And clean to prevent fungal infections that can cause nails to curl.
  • Use products or creams to strengthen nails.
  • Biotin supplements. Nail strengthening agent or cuticle cream.
  • If your nails are curled. It can be caused by a medical condition such as psoriasis or thyroid disease.
  • Consult a specialist dermatologist. Recommend appropriate treatment steps.
  • If the disease is severe curlicue. A dermatologist may recommend a surgical procedure. To correct the shape of the nails.

If you are suffering from rolled nail disease we recommend “Seven plus Clinic and D’Secret Clinic” where you can get a consultation. And advice from a specialist doctor by Dr. Marinya Pongpudpunth,MD. a specialist in dermatology. With more than 15 years of experience working for people with curly nails if you do treatment Follow the steps recommended by the doctor continuously. With proper methods, it will definitely improve the symptoms of the disease.

Education of Dr. Marinya Pongpudpunth, MD.

  • Hair Restoration Training, Korea (2015)
  • Thai Board of Dermatology, Ramathibodi Hospital (2013)
  • Board of Dematopathology, Boston University, USA (2009)
  • Master of Science in Dermatology, Boston University, USA (2006)
  • Doctor of Medicine, Mahidol University (2001)
  • Nail surgery training
  • Laser expert training
  • Hair expert training
  • Boston University USA.

Work experience of Dr. Marinya 

Pongpudpunth, MD.

  • Dermatologist Mae Fah Luang Hospital
  • Dermatologist Ramathibodi Hospital
  • Dermatologist, Samitivej Hospital
  • Dermatologist, Bangkok Hospital

Ingrown nails, purulent, bulging flesh, how to treat?

Ingrown nails, or onychocryptosis, occur when the edge of the nail grows into the surrounding skin, causing pain, swelling, redness, and sometimes infection. They are common on the big toe and often affect teenagers. The way we cut our fingernails and toenails is different. When cutting fingernails, we follow the curve of the nail, while when cutting toenails, it’s important not to cut them too short, as this can increase the risk of ingrown nails. If the nails are cut too short, they may grow into the surrounding skin and cause pain and swelling. Wearing shoes that are too tight can also make ingrown nails more likely to occur.

Symptoms of an ingrown toenail

1. During the initial stages of an ingrown nail, it can cause the adjacent tissue to become swollen, hardened, and painful when pressed. However, if left untreated and ignored, it may lead to redness, persistent swelling, and bacterial infection, which could result in the formation of an abscess.

2. Ingrown nails can occur on any finger or toe, but they are more commonly seen on the big toes and tend to affect teenagers more frequently. Ingrown nails can occur on any finger or toe, but they are more commonly seen on the big toes and tend to affect teenagers more frequently.

3. Athletes who frequently experience ingrown nails include those who engage in kicking sports such as football and Muay Thai fighters.

4. Ingrown nails can be caused by the swelling of the tissue surrounding the nail, which then presses against the adjacent nail or by an overgrown nail that cuts into the surrounding tissue. Symptoms of an ingrown nail may include swelling, redness, tenderness, and can progress to infection with pus draining from the affected area.

5. If a patient has a chronic condition such as diabetes or other disorders that may affect blood flow to the feet, they are at a higher risk for complications from an ingrown nail. It is crucial to take precautions and seek prompt medical attention if they experience symptoms of an ingrown nail, as untreated infections can worsen rapidly and may lead to serious complications.

Ingrown toenail caused by

1. Misshapen nails

Nails with an abnormal shape are typically present from birth and tend to be wider than the nail bed. Additionally, the edges of these nails are more noticeably curved than those of normal nails.

2. Accidents

Examples of accidents include having an object fall on your toes or accidentally kicking a hard object, such as a table.

3. Wearing shoes that don’t fit

Wearing shoes that don’t fit properly can manifest in two ways: the toe box being too narrow (the shoe shape is not suitable for the shape of our foot), or the shoes being too short (due to selecting the wrong shoe size or the child’s foot having grown).

4. Cutting nails the wrong way

Prevention is an ingrown toenail.

1. Cut your toenails straight, not curved.

2. Do not cut your toenails too short. due to nails that are too short when we walk with weight The sole of the shoe will push the space at the end of the toe up to squeeze and cut the nail.

3. Choose shoes that are the right size, the right length, not too short.

4. Choose shoes that fit well. The forefoot is not too narrow.

5. If a person has a congenital disease that causes the feeling of the feet to be reduced such as foot numbness Must have an expert to choose shoes and measure feet. Because sometimes you won’t feel that your shoes are too tight.

6. Must work at a risk of accidents on the feet, such as working in a factory, should wear safety shoes.

7. You should regularly inspect your feet. especially people with diabetes problems which will have various problems on the feet easily.

Curing ingrown toenails by “Seven Plus Clinic and D’Secret Clinic”

But if you have tried many methods but still not completely cured, it is recommended to come and see the doctors of our “Seven Plus Clinic and D’Secret Clinic“, there are specialists in nails and skin, especially With more than 15 years of experience by Dr. Marinya Pongpudpunth, a dermatologist, a dermatologist with expertise who graduated from many well-known institutions internationally.

Education of Dr. Marinya Pongputphan

  • Hair Restoration Training, Korea (2015)
  • Thai Board of Dermatology, Ramathibodi Hospital (2013)
  • Board of Dematopathology, Boston University, USA (2009)
  • Master of Science in Dermatology, Boston University, USA (2006)
  • Doctor of Medicine, Mahidol University (2001)
  • Nail surgery training
  • Laser expert training
  • Hair expert training
  • Boston University USA.

Work experience of Dr. Marinya Pongputphan

  • Dermatologist Mae Fah Luang Hospital
  • Dermatologist Ramathibodi Hospital
  • Dermatologist, Samitivej Hospital
  • Dermatologist, Bangkok Hospital

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